Post Talk
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant
Membership Meeting August 10th 7 PM
Auxiliary Meeting August 10th 7:30 PM
SAL Meeting August 17th 6 PM
Rick Hals, Commander – Greetings to all. Its been a very busy summer, as you have probably heard, the Midsummer Celebration was a huge success with a great turn out of people at the carnival and all the events going on under the tent. I want to thank all who helped at the Legion to put everything together, it wouldn’t have happened without your help. At the meeting in June we had presentation by the North Branch Beautification Assoc. on the Veterans Memorial possibly going to the City Park, have not heard if the Council has approved the move.
The Post is still short several officer positions, if you would be able help fill positions please call me or stop by the legion and leave your number. Also the Sargent at Arms position needs to be filled, there is a chance we will not be able to do funerals in the future.
The next meeting is August 10th at 7:00 PM, I hope to see you there.
Michelle Still, Auxiliary President – The Chisago County Relay for Life luminary event is August 18 from 6:00 to 10:00 pm at Chisago Lake Lutheran Church in Center City. Our American Legion Family has a team again this year. If you would like to participate or make a donation, please contact me at
Glenn Pierce, Gaming Manager – Both our Thursday and Saturday Bingo Jackpots are at $1600 in 56 numbers or less. We are expecting both these Jackpots to be won in August. Our Linked Bingo game “Booty Chaser” has rewarded several of our patrons with a few hundred dollars in prizes. Statewide Booty Chaser is paying out over a Million Dollars a month. Plenty of reasons to try your luck at the North Branch American Legion this month.