Post Talk
By Glenn Pierce, Adjutant
Membership Meeting May 11th 7 PM
Auxiliary Meeting May 11th 7:30 PM
SAL Meeting May 17th 6 PM
Michelle Still, Auxiliary President – I have been preparing reports for the district level and it amazes me how much our auxiliary members contribute to aid our veterans and military. This past year was tough for our unit to do everything we would have liked to. Nevertheless, we were able to honor our veterans with cards and gifts, support our community with gifts, and show appreciation for our military. Volunteers make a difference! Your membership is important! If you have not renewed your membership yet, you may do so by mailing your dues to Mary Lewis, P O Box 285, North Branch.
Randy Koivisto, First Vice Commander
Red Cross Blood Drive – Our quarterly Red Cross Blood drive will be held on Friday, May 21st, from 10-4. Most appointments are already filled, but you can apply to donate at and enter Sponsor Code: North Branch. You can also call 1-800-733-2767 to reserve an appointment.
Scholarships – Post 85 will be awarding five $1,000 this month to a group of outstanding North Branch Seniors. Having to choose from so many outstanding applicants is a tough job, but with our committee of Jim Johnson, Ron Rollins, and myself, did manage to pull it off.
Elevator – Our elevator work is nearing completion. Some bad door rollers were causing problems with delayed signals resulting in slow operation. The project should be complete in the next few weeks.
Maintenance – Our floors in the hall and meeting room received a couple coats of wax, so we are looking good once again. Facilities manager Carene Johnson has scheduled a company to come in to straighten out our array of electronic devices. We currently have some systems in the hall that are difficult to use, among other issues.
Orv Otterness – Check out the pin display in the hall that recently deceased member, and past 3 time commander, Orv Otterness, had collected over 65 years of being a member.
Art – We are still looking to add artwork to our exterior wall that faces the parking lot. It’s a big canvas, so volunteers for that project are needed.
Monthly Meetings – Monthly meetings are starting to grow in size again. We are meeting back upstairs in the meeting room at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month, with masks on. Come on in!
Glenn Pierce, Adjutant – We will be resuming our traditional Memorial Day honors at 6 local cemeteries this year. Our scheduled start times will be as follows on Memorial Day, May 31, 2021:
Kost Cemetery 8:00 AM
Salem Lutheran Cemetery 9:10 AM
West Oxford Cemetery 9:10 AM
St John’s / Weber Cemetery 10:00 AM
Spring Lake Lutheran Cemetery 10:30 AM
St Gregory’s Catholic Cemetery 11:30 AM
We are continuing to work at having our traditional Midsummer Days Celebration this year. The Carnival is booked and ready, we have several bands and other parade entertainment waiting for restrictions to be lifted so they can attend. We are working with the State and Local authorities to bring you a safe and festive celebration.