Post Talk
North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant
August 2022
- Membership Meeting: Aug. 9th @ 7:00PM
- Auxiliary Meeting: No August meeting
- SAL Meeting: Aug. 16th @ 7:00PM
- Legion Riders Meeting: Aug. 4th @ 7:00PM
- Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Aug. 16th @ 9:00AM
Michelle Still, Auxiliary President
The North Branch American Legion Family has a Relay for Life Team again this year. The event is August 10th at the Chisago Lakes Lutheran Church starting at 6:00 pm. Please consider being a team member or making a tax deductible donation to our team in the battle against cancer. You can find more information at Relay for Life of Chisago County or email me. You can also contact our team captain, Dianne Klund at 651-497-8442. We would love to have you be a part of the team.
Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director
4th of July Celebration with Forest Lake
The Riders joined the Forest Lake American Legion Riders Post 225 in staffing their adult lemonade stand during the 4th of July Celebration. Forest Lake Riders generously offered to share a portion of their tips earned at the lemonade stand with our group. We then joined them for the 4th of July Parade which is always a blast, despite the pouring rain on the way there.
Christmas in July Motorcycle Ride
We had 106 people attend the 10th Annual Christmas in July Motorcycle Ride on July 9th! The North Branch American Legion Riders were shocked at the amount of support received from our own and surrounding communities! With the help from the North Branch Police Department, Chisago County Sheriff Department, and the Burnett, WI County Sheriff’s Department; we safely led one of the largest Christmas in July Motorcycle Rides yet. We raised just over $5,000 which will bring a lot of joy to military families this Christmas season. I am beyond proud of our Legion Riders and want to thank them for working so hard! Thank you to the North Branch American Legion for the support and use of facilities during the event. Check out the great photos taken by new Legion Rider Jorge Perales.
Tenth District Legacy Ride
The Riders participated in the Tenth District Legacy Run on July 24th to raise money for the Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The ride started in Osseo then traveled to St. Francis, Pine City, North Branch, Lino Lakes and Fridley. The Riders would like to thank Squadron 85 SAL Commander Charlie Hult, 1st Vice Commander Bob Egan, Finance Officer Chris Fedun, and the entire SAL for donating $300 to the Legacy Scholarship Fund!
Randy Koivisto, Sgt. At Arms
Color Guard
I have met with two of the three new color guard members from the SAL. We did a uniform check with additional pieces being added, and a problem with patches on one of the uniforms was discovered, thankfully before our first event with them. We also touched on some close order drill instructions, and will schedule more when all three are fully equipped and ready to go.
Veteran’s Memorial
Larry Lattimore, myself, and Joe, met via zoom with the project manager from Ohio recently, where we discussed some of the last minute details that needed addressing. Once the plan is put to paper, we will hold a meeting open to all members to discuss the final plan. We are shooting for a 2023 spring start for breaking ground.
Cemetery Project
There are now 10 different cemeteries that we are working at to clean up the Veteran’s headstones and footstones. What started as a mission to spruce up the unacceptably filthy civil war era soldiers stones, at the Sunrise Cemetery, has now expanded to include all veteran’s stones that need attention. Recently we have also been granted permission at a few locations to level out the headstones that were badly tilted. Please take some time to stop out at the Sunrise Cemetery to see what a difference it has made to use some of your dollars to purchase the expensive chemical (D/2) that helps make it all possible.
Our retired flag collection bin was starting to overflow, so the flags were transported to the Vet’s Camp at Big Marine Lake where they have an annual large flag retirement ceremony.
Leadership Photos
The post leadership photos at the hall entrance will be updated and will only be comprised of the leaders of our four post divisions, rather than having all of the post officers shown.
The generous farmer from the Almelund area, who wishes to remain anonymous, again donated a freezer full of ground beef, which we will be distributing in the next couple of months when things cool down.
Ron Rollins, Adjutant
Now that everyone has caught their breath from Midsummer, it’s time to look forward in our goals for the American Legion for the next year, and also look at what we can improve with next years Midsummer Celebration.
I want to congratulate the North Branch American Legion Riders for a very successful ride on July 9th. The had 87 total vehicles on the ride, including those that wanted to be a part, but did not own a motorcycle- they drove a classic car or their everyday ride.
It was a really great time, with very few issues. For their first attempt it was great to see that the 10 year tradition will continue. It will be exciting to hear of how the chosen veteran families will benefit at Christmas time from their efforts of summer.
Upcoming Events:
- August 19th- Legacy Run Kick-off party- Anoka Post 102
- August 20th-23rd-Legacy Run- Statewide
- August 23- ALR to National Convention- Milwaukee
- Oct. 27-29 Department Fall Conference- St. Cloud
SAL Members: Note the new meeting time of 7PM (1900hrs) which was approved by the membership at the July meeting.