Post Talk
North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant
July 2022
- Membership Meeting: July 12th @ 7:00PM
- Auxiliary Meeting: None this month
- SAL Meeting: July 19th @ 6:00PM
- Legion Riders Meeting: July 7th @ 7:00PM
- Coffee Talk with the CVSO: July 19th @ 9:AM
- Legion Riders Dinner ride: Every Wednesday night @6PM
Rick Hals, Post Commander
Greetings on a very warm evening. First and foremost I want to thank everyone that came out and volunteered their time and talents to make the Legions 96th year a success. Without the volunteers from the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL, Legion Riders, NBFD, Lions, and Boy Scouts our Midsummer Celebration would not be as successful as it was. So, a huge THANK YOU to you all. Remember the next meeting will be July 12th at 7:00 PM.
Michelle Still, Auxiliary President
Midsummer was a great event and successful. Thank you to everyone who helped with our event.
As a project, I would like to have a school supply drive again this year. Last year was a huge success. I am mentioning it now because school supplies will soon be going on sale. We will plan to collect the supplies in September.
Just as a reminder, we don’t meet again until September 13th at 7:00 p.m.
Happy Independence Day!
Charlie Hult, Commander – SAL
We got past Midsummer. The SAL put on the Bingo sessions Thursday, Friday, & Saturday and we had a great turnout along with the kids bingo. We had several businesses in the North Branch and the surrounding area that donated prizes for the kids bingo that helped make it a success. We handled the raffle event with some great prizes as well.
- First prize: $750.00
- Second prize: A rifle
- Third prize: a 9mm pistol
- Fourth prize: a $350.00 gift card from County Market
I would like to thank these businesses that donated the prizes for the kids Bingo; Kaffe Stuga, The Fuse, Muddy Cow, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Pizza Pub, Papa Murphy, JJ’s Bowl, Dickey’s, and North Branch Golf Course. We are looking forward to the next event, the money we raised will go to scholarships and other charitable donations as well.
I want to also give a BIG thanks to all that volunteered their time to make Midsummer a success for the SAL.
Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director
What a great year, so far! The Midsummer Kiddie Parade was a success with about 60 kids participating in the parade and parents walking alongside. Besides the registration table and paperwork getting pelted with bird do-do, it was a great day!
The Grand Parade was a hot but a fun one! Legion Riders led a truck that carried the Midsummer Kiddie King and Queen. The truck pulled a trailer with many of the Rider’s kids. The kids had a blast throwing out freezies from the trailer and waving to everyone. Special thanks to Jake and Danica Williams, Dan Nybeck, Ed Chromey, Randy Sprecher, Ron Rollins, Rich Hagert, Tim Wentz, Tom Greene for representing the Riders well during Midsummer.
Online registration and payments are being collected for the Christmas in July Ride and interest on Facebook continues to grow. We opened the ride to all vehicles and are excited to see how many we get this year.
Riders continue to meet with the Forest Lake Legion Riders for weekly dinner rides. Good riding, food, and conversation for all.
We have several new members joining the Riders and I hope to introduce them to you next month, after the paperwork is finalized.
(NBALR at BelieVet Motorcycle Run- Lino Lakes)
Randy Koivisto, Sgt at Arms
Color Guard: We are nearing completion of assembling uniforms and accessories for 3 SAL members that will be joining our color guard. Once they are fully equipped, there will be a period of training needed before they will join our squad at funerals and other color guard functions. We are currently understaffed and welcome the additional participation from our Post 85 Legion family.
Headstone Project: We have received permission from Grandstrand’s funeral home to work on the veteran’s headstones in the North Branch Oak Hill cemetery. Last week, member Myles Gunia and myself straightened up a number of headstones that were leaning badly and also treated them all with the usual chemical treatment. We are currently awaiting permission from the caretakers of the Oak Grove Cemetery in Harris to service those headstones as well. That will bring the total to 8 Chisago County cemeteries where we are ensuring that those veteran’s final resting places are respectfully maintained.
Veteran’s Memorial Project: Bids have come back from the firm in Ohio, and we will be meeting with them again to tweak a few things. Our goal is to have an impressive memorial, but also something that we can afford. We should have some solid figures soon. Thanks to Joe Scaramell for taking on the job of being the main contact with the designer.
Law and Order Committee Member, Tim O’Day was on hand at the microphone under the tent at Midsummer to announce the awarding of the North Branch Legion 2021-2022 EM/Paramedic of the Year to Alissa Behl, with Lakes Region EMS.
The award was presented by commander Rick Hals.
Ron Rollins, Adjutant
SAL member Randy Sprecher and I attended the 10th District Convention on Jun 4th as representative and I gave a report to the Commander as 10th District Law & Order Chairman.
I attended the Legion meeting and Randy attended the SAL meeting.
Post 85 received an award plaque for their generous donation to the Legacy Fund through the Legion Riders Legacy Ride from Ride Coordinator Jody Hassing. Hopefully we can beat that amount this year!
Attend the July 12th meeting if you are interested in becoming a delegate for the Department Convention in Willmar, MN. On July 14-16th, 2022.
Some Memorial Day Photos
I want to take a moment to highlight the work of the Legion Riders
Upcoming events:
- June 30-July 4th Forest Lake Legion 4th July Celebration
- July 6th- Dinner ride at NBALR. KSU @ 6PM
- July 9th- Christmas in July Ride
- July 13th- ALR Dinner Ride at Forest Lake ALR. KSU @ 5:30 PM
- July 14th-16th- 2022 Department Convention in Willmar, MN
- July 20th- Dinner ride at NBALR. KSU @ 6PM
- July 23rd- 24th- 10th District Legacy Collection Ride. KSU @ 10am, Hopkins American Legion
- July 27th- ALR Dinner Ride at Forest Lake ALR. KSU @ 5:30 PM
- July 30th- Pine City Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Run, Henriette. KSU @11AM
- August 3 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
- August 10 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. (KSU at North Branch Legion at 5:30PM to arrive at Forest Lake Legion by 6)
- Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
- August 20th – 23rd – American Legion Riders Legacy Run
- August 24 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. (KSU at North Branch Legion at 5:30PM to arrive at Forest Lake Legion by 6)
- August 31 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Rider. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
- September 24 – Forest Lake Legion Riders Toys for Tots Ride, Forest Lake ALR
Speaking of Legion Riders. This month, our employee/member introduction is Legion Riders Director Camille Wentz.
Camille joined the Legion in the spring of 2020 to get involved in the community and to have a group of people to ride motorcycle with, which is a passion of hers. She lives in North Branch with her husband, Tim and three kids: Oscar (12), Ayla (10) and Lily (7), who attend North Branch Public Schools. She lived in the area previously, moved away but, as so many of us do, they moved back to North Branch 5 years ago. She has worked for many municipalities around the Twin Cities, with the last 14 years at the City of Minneapolis having many duties including elections, meeting/event planning, human resources, financial systems, marketing/communications, with website management as her main focus now. She hopes to use her “professional experience to successfully lead the Legion Riders and build relationships with the Legion Family”.
Camille should be congratulated as the riders were down to 1 active member (herself) and 9 inactive members in 6 short months she has brought the riders back to 27 new and old members active.
I don’t want to forget her very supportive husband, Tim who said “go for it”, with him planning on being in the background. Well, he is now also a member and got his endorsement and now is riding his own Harley Freewheeler! GREAT JOB, CAMILLE & TIM!! If you see Camille or Tim, say “Hi” in Harley-Davidson.(Categorically, it is its own language!)