Post Talk
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant
Membership Meeting – November 9th 7 PM
Auxiliary Meeting – November 9th 7 PM
SAL Meeting – November 16th 6 PM
Michelle Still, Auxiliary President – Veterans Day is November 11th and the auxiliary will be honoring our veterans in assisted living with cards and little treats this year. Do you know a veteran you can reach out to? Please let them know how thankful you are for their service.
Randy Koivisto, Veterans Memorial Committee – Veteran’s Memorial update – The proposed change to the Veteran’s Memorial location is still in process with the city council. For those that may have missed it, the North Branch Beautification Association, along with the Veteran’s Memorial committee have submitted a request to the city to have the memorial placed in Central Park, rather than the previously approved School grounds location. Cost of that proposed project and other factors drove the decision to look for an alternate site. The new site proposed is located in Central Park between the gazebo and Hwy 95.
The proposal was approved by the city Parks and Trails commission and forwarded to the council for action. The city council tabled the request asking for more information and a joint meeting was proposed with all parties, including two council persons designated to be the liaison to the project. A meeting was held with approximately 24 attendees in our hall in an attempt to bring the city representatives up to speed on the work done to date.
The city council was informed of the results of that meeting at a work session on October 19th, which was attended by many of our members. I was in attendance at the next formal city council meeting on October 26th, at which time the consensus was that yet more information was needed, and it was proposed by the council that the city gather a larger group of individuals to discuss the memorial project and to be asked a specific group of questions to get a clearer indication of the direction the public wants to go with the matter. NBBA representative Joe Scaramell was allowed to speak about the project to clear up some misconceptions. City staff advised the council to drop the request rather than table it, as it can always be brought forward again after the process moves forward. That action was taken.
We will await the results of the future group meeting to see if the Central Park location will be recommended for approval. If by chance, we fail to gain the spot in Central Park, it will NOT kill the project. There are other sites under consideration.
Attendance at the council meetings when this issue is on the agenda is important and highly encouraged. If you want to be put on a list to be notified of future action, you can send your e-mail address to me and I will include you on a group notification. We appreciate your patience while we continue forward with this important project!
For God and Country.
Randy Koivisto
Our Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Friday, November 5th, from 9 – 3. Spots are filling up fast. To sign up, call the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767, or visit RedCrossBlood.Org and enter Sponsor Code: North Branch. Blood supplies are extremely low. Your help is needed!
We’re #1!!
Minnesota leads the way again! In Minnesota we raised $174,000 for the Legacy Fund, which creates scholarships for children of post 9/11 veterans who died on active duty or had a VA disability rating of 50% or higher. A distant 2nd was the state of North Carolina with $95,000. This program features a motorcycle run administered by the Legion Riders group. Hats off to them!
Carene Johnson, Club Coordinator – Hello Everyone! We have a very busy holiday season ahead of us in the club. Purse bingo, cornhole tournaments on Friday nights, football, meat raffles, and bingo. We are grateful to be open and happy we can still contribute to our community. Saturday is member day, buy one beverage and your 2nd is free. Please remember our hall for your family events.
Glenn Pierce, Gaming Manager – Our Fall Coach Purse Bingo is scheduled for November 5th at 7 PM. Our presale tickets are almost sold out so we will again have a full house for the event.
Join us in the clubroom for drink specials and food for all the Sunday Vikings games. Free drinks for all Viking scores and football tickets available to win up to $225 for the final score. Also pays per quarter.