March 2023 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant
March 2023

  • Membership Meeting: March 14th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting: May 14th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: March 21st @ 6:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting: March 2nd @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: March 21st @ 9:AM

Rick Hals, Post Commander

Greetings to all.

The last time l wrote I mentioned the cold weather and tonight it’s the rain, one never knows about Minnesota!

I have 3 dates for upcoming events that I want to share.

> On the 10th of March is the cheap date party.
> The following day March 11th is the Corn Beef and Cabbage preparation in morning starting at 8 am, the supper will begin at 5 pm. If anyone can help either in the am or pm please come, it is fun and good conversation.
> The last thing I have to mention is the floor cleaning and waxing, this will be starting on March 5th {yeah, I know its Sunday but the hall scheduling and to be able to wax it properly takes 4 to 5 days for it to dry completely). If at all possible please come and help.
I hope to see you all at the next membership meeting on the 14th of March.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

I want to share a big thank to the Post for the Meritorious Service Award presented to me at our February meeting. It ishumbling to be acknowledged for service that is an honor for me to provide to our veterans, military and community.

Thank you for the award.

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

The Riders have been busy planning the Christmas in July Ride and are making great progress. We created a sponsorship program that is being led by Assistant Director and Road Captain Andy Specht and Rider Kirk Laszcwski.

With this program we have already raised approximately 1/3 of our total from last year’s ride, which is very exciting! Our Membership Chairman Austin Doll has been busy planning our group road guard class on April 30th. We have 11 of our Riders planning to do the class to be Certified Road Guards. After our Riders complete the class, a group from the Lino Lakes American Legion Post 566 will be completing the class with the same instructor and location. We have also begun work on the Legacy Ride Kick-off Party and the Midsummer Kiddie Parade. Come visit the Riders booth at the Donnie Smith Show, March 25-26!

Camille Wentz, Chapter Director

Charlie Hult, SAL Commander

SAL** February was a busy month for the SAL February 11th we held the 10th District Sweetheart dinner at the North Branch Legion for the Legion Family, which was sponsored by the SAL. The gathering drew approximately 45 members from throughout the district. We enjoyed a great meal that
was prepared for us by retired Stacy Firefighter, and local caterer, Tony Matkati. Then the following day, February 12th, we had the Winter Fest Omelet breakfast where we served around 110 people. I want to say thank you to all the SAL and other Legion Family members that helped make both of these events a huge success. When one of our entities look good, we all look good. THANK YOU!

Charlie Hult
Commander SAL

Randy Koivisto, Sgt. At Arms:

Recently, Post 85 1st Vice Commander and Membership Director, Mark Johnson, presented Past National Chaplain Michas Ohnstad with his 75 years of service pin award. Many other post 85 members joined in to celebrate the occasion.

And Post 85 members recently visited Ecumen to honor WWII veteran Willis Stewert as he celebrated is 100th birthday.

Respectfully submitted,
Randy Koivisto

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Troop donations have been completed for the 257
th MP Company and the box has been sent to the unit in California.

Upcoming events:

  • March 11th – Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner @ 5PM until gone
  • March 12th – Daylight Savings Time begins
  • March 17th – St Patrick’s Day
  • March 25-26th – Donnie Smith Bike Show- St Paul River Centre
  • March 17th -18th in Rochester
  • March 30th – Veteran’s Day on the Hill- St. Paul Capital
  • April 20-23- American Legion College- Camp Ripley
  • June 10th – 2023 Believet Motorcycle Run at Lino Lakes Post 566
  • June 15-18th – Midsummer Weekend
  • June 23-24th SAL Detachment Convention- Anoka.
  • July 12th – 15th – 2023 Department Convention in Redwood Falls.
  • Oct. 26-28th – Department Fall Conference River’s Edge Convention Center- St Cloud

Today our employee/member Introduction is:

Auxiliary member Bobbie Elmstrand

I want to introduce you to auxiliary member Bobbie Elmstrand. I commend her for her selfless service to our Auxiliary Unit and more. Bobbie is a thirty year member of our unit and is known by almost everyone. She is known so well for her help in the unit and community.

Bobbie is a past president of the unit and is our Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Chairman. She remembers and recognizes our veterans at the Ecumen and Encore assisted living facilities. For several years she has planned parties for Veterans Day and Christmas at the facilities with cards, lunches and gifts. She also remembers them at other holidays with a little treat or gift.

You will see Bobbie every Thursday Night at Bingo serving concessions. I can’t forget to acknowledge her for decades of working during Midsummer, especially at the chuckwagon. She is also very active in the community by serving with the North Branch Lions.

Finally, do you notice the stars and flags marking the graves of veterans in cemeteries? Yep, Bobbie and her family set them up at 6 cemeteries every year ahead of Memorial Day.

Bobbie is a great asset and I hope you will reach out to her and thank her for her contributions.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

As a personal note, I first met Bobbie as a freshman in high school as she spent many, many years working at the North Branch Schools. She was a big influence to me as she was so kind and friendly to the students (don’t get me wrong, stern when she needed to be!) Thank you Bobbie, for your service to our Unit and Community!.

Ron Rollins

We are training our members. As improvements progress on the hall and meeting room with the addition of several big screen televisions to improve Bingo nights and hall rentals we are also planning on improving our Legion Training capability. We will be starting small, but planning has yet to begin.

Training members with equip them with the tools to improve everyone’s understanding of the operational needs and importance of our positions of leadership. We have a fantastic pool of untapped leaders in our POST that don’t yet know the improvement they will make in someone’s life until they step up and take on a new roll.

With that being said, I am excited to see that we have interest like never before in the excitement of knowing more about the programs and leadership of the American Legion. Three Legion members and one SAL member will be attending Legion College at Camp Ripley next month.

As a bonus, these members with get the opportunity to meet this year’s National Commander, Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola from the Department of New York.

I would expect Mike Johnson, Kurt Roettjer, Andy Specht and myself will bring back lots of information to generate more interest in learning about the American Legion.

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

Ron Rollins, Adjutant
Post #85
North Branch, Mn.

2023-03-31T11:03:27-05:00Post Talk|

February 2023 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85

February 2023

  • Membership Meeting: Feb. 14th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  Feb.14th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: Feb. 21st @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Feb. 2nd @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Feb. 21st @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Commander

Greetings to everyone on this COLD night. I am happy to say everything is going real well at the Legion.

Carene has started to book bands and the music for under the tent at Midsummer.

The Legion will be putting our annual corn beef and cabbage dinner on March 11th so please set aside some time on that day to help prepare and serve the dinner. This is always a fan favorite!

We have lined up Dave Nelson to help with cleaning and waxing. We will talk more at the meeting about the cleaning.

The SAL will be hosting the 10th District Sweetheart Rally on Saturday Feb. 11th @11:00 and then turning around and hosting their omelet breakfast on Feb.12th, please try to attend and support them.

Mark Johnson, the membership chairman has asked me to mention that if you have not renewed please do so.

The next membership meeting is Feb.14th, please try to attend.

Ed Chromey, Chaplain, Post/Legion Riders

The month of February is a time for legion members to reflect on several past events in our country’s history.

The first Sunday of the month is designated as Four Chaplains Sunday. We take time on this Sunday to remember the four chaplains of the USAT Dorchester who made the supreme sacrifice by giving their life vests and other apparel to their fellow soldiers while they stayed aboard the ship as it sank standing hand in hand praying.

Secondly, we remember two great leaders of our country. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. These men helped bring our country through some dark times in our country’s history to help us in our fight for freedom for all.

We also take time to celebrate with our sweethearts on Valentine’s day.

This also is the month that the Christian season of Easter begins, when we take time to remember the Son of God who made the ultimate sacrifice so that all can have the opportunity to have freedom from being eternally separated from God.

Finally, at the end of the shortest month of the year we start to breathe a sigh of relief as the days become longer and the temperature slowly starts to climb upward.

So, let us all take some time this month to thank our God, the creator of the universe, and those men and women who have fought for and are continuing to keep us free so we can reflect back on these events of great importance in our country’s history.

Mike Johnson, Gaming Manager

I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of the customers who support the Charitable Gambling here at American Legion Post 85 – North Branch. Without your continued support, we would not be able to do what we do for the local communities and for our own Post. In the future, and with the help of the newly formed PR committee here at Post 85, it is my goal to show what we are doing for our local communities with the net receipts from the Charitable Gambling here at Post 85. I will use photos, correspondence, and data, to show just how much of a difference we are making, because of all of YOU!

We will be conducting $10 Sports Tipboards for the Super Bowl on 2/12/23. They are currently available in the booth or behind the bar and will be available up until kickoff.

The new TV’s have been installed in the hall for Bingo and are operational. You can now view the bingo software during bingo from anywhere in the hall.

I am currently working on the new bingo programs and my goal is to start them by the end of March at the latest. We will continue to have bingo sessions Thursday and Saturday nights.

Look for some new pulltab games in the pulltab booth and behind the bar later in February. Multiplier games, 301 games, and a $2 window game where you have the chance to open multiple windows on one ticket.

It’s hard to believe that it was -13 degrees this morning, but we are already discussing and making plans for Midsummer. The SAL will be conducting most of the gaming that takes place outside under the tent during Midsummer like in past years. We may be adding a second large Bingo event under the tent on Thursday night, to go along with the designer purse Bingo that is typically Friday night. Look for an update once things are finalized.

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Membership Contest

I have recruitment on the mind. It is my goal to find at least 10 new members this year. I would like everyone to think with that goal in mind- or even a larger goal.

As an incentive The Legion will be conducting a membership drive contest this year that I would hope everyone is willing to participate in. The Legion Family member to recruit the most new members by the end of the calendar year will receive a $200.00 gift card.

This recruitment can be for either the Legion, Auxiliary, or the Sons of American Legion or any combination therein. Make sure your name is on the bottom of the application when it’s turned in. A running tally will be recorded and at the end of the calendar year we will name a winner. Ready- GO!


The Department Commander, Jennifer Havlick is inviting anyone wishing to be a part of the 8th-10th District Monthly Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month starting at 7PM. The entire Legion Family is invited.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 9371 3109
Passcode: 810810

If you have any further questions: Contact Adjutant Ron Rollins 651-775-6985 before the date of the call and I will make contact with the Department Adjutant for any clarification.


This month I bring to you another program sponsored by the American Legion: Legionville

Legionville is a program of the Minnesota Department of The American Legion through a nonprofit educational corporation. Titled Legionville School Safety Patrol Training Center, Inc.,  its primary function is to train Minnesota boys and girls in the procedures of school-safety patrol work at intersections and in bus patrol work.

The idea of the School Patrol originated with Sister Carmela of the Cathedral School in St. Paul on Feb. 21, 1921 when the first patrolmen were stationed at the intersection of Kellogg Boulevard and Summit Avenue in Saint Paul. Adopted citywide by the City of St. Paul in 1922 as a part of the program of the School System and the St. Paul Police Department, it was also adopted as a statewide program by the Minnesota Highway Patrol.

Earle Brown, the first chief of the Minnesota Highway Patrol, felt that a uniform program of training and support should be created in the State and came to the Minnesota American Legion in 1935 requesting such assistance. In 1936, under a cooperative program, The American Legion started a statewide training program held at the Crow Wing County Fairgrounds in Brainerd, with two years at Camp Ripley, using these facilities until 1956. The Training Center was staffed by members of the Minnesota Highway Patrol, qualified Legionnaires and support staff.

In 1948, the Minnesota American Legion set up a committee to raise funds to construct a permanent training center for the School Patrol. The Parker family, in 1954, donated the original 560-acre site on North Long Lake. The caretaker house used to be the old farmhouse, and the old barn was once the old milk house and was converted into an educational building. The area called Parkerville consists of many family cottages along the lake right next to Legionville. The generous Parker family, many of whom were Legionnaires in Brainered, also donated the Boy Scouts camp on the other side of North Long Lake.

A later addition of land raised the total to 610 acres with 1,500 feet of shoreline beach. The property contained some buildings, including a large barn which was converted to an all-purpose unit of classrooms, office, canteen, first aid room, a large theater and a recreational area on the second floor. A modern dining hall, seven dormitories, caretaker’s house and two cabins for staff have been built creating the modern Legionville School Safety Patrol Training Center, Inc.

From the first program in 1936 of two weeks and 157 patrolmen, the enrollment has progressed to more than 1,000 each season with the training center having a session capacity of 168. All sessions are now co-ed.

Each youngster, between the ages of 8-13, attends and is sponsored by an organization in his or her hometown. The typical patroller is a student entering fourth, fifth, or sixth grade. The patrollers are selected to represent their schools at Legionville by the School Patrol advisor of their school and local personnel. Teams of patrollers are encouraged to attend together to enhance their training and knowledge.

Legionville is a function of The American Legion, Department of Minnesota. However, the local Posts and Auxiliary Units contribute heavily to the program and handle many of the details making each year a smooth operation across the state. In addition to sending patrollers to the Training Center, many Posts and Auxiliary Units make direct contributions to Legionville for maintaining the Center and adding needed equipment. This enables the weekly fee to the Center to remain at a low level.

Legionville is also the location where the Legion Family holds their annual Romp in September. It is also open to off-season camping. Contact Legionville for more information at:

Make all communications to:
c/o The American Legion
20 W. 12th Street, Room 300A
St. Paul, MN 55155-2000
Telephone: 651-291-1800

Legionville Camp is at:
9544 Legionville Road
Brainerd, MN 56401

Mailing address prior to camp opening:
Legionville Camp
20 W. 12th St., Room 300A
St. Paul, MN 55155-2000
You can reach us by email at


Start thinking of summer conventions and conferences. I will be listing them beginning next month. I will be attending the District and Department Convention this year. Dates and times will be posted soon. Come and join me in learning more about the American Legion.

If you wish to be a delegate, attend your meetings and request to be nominated as a delegate-that makes you a voting member for our Post.


This month our Employee/Member introduction is Bob Egan, SAL 1st Vice-Commander

Hello, I’m Bob Egan.

I have been a resident of North Branch since 1974. The 1st part of my life was spent at different Air bases such as San Antonio TX, Monterey CA, and Yokota Air Force Base, Fussa Japan.

I’m married to my wife Rene’e and have a daughter, Michaela, who just graduated from Oklahoma State University and a son, Mitchell, also an SAL member, who is a sophomore in high school.

One of my hobbies is to buy vintage snowmobiles, ride them,  and enter them into vintage snowmobile shows.

I have been the 1st Vice Commander of the Sons of The American Legion Squadron #85 for the last 5 years. I have many members of my family who are veterans. It was my stepfather Rick Hals, who is the Commander of this post, that urged me to join the SAL. Some of the highlights that have happened since I have joined the squadron are that we had our highest membership on record in 2020 in which the squadron received an award. We were invited to be a part of the 10th district snowmobile rally in 2019 to gather up memberships and we’re then asked to be involved with the 2020 and the final 50th snowmobile rally in 2021. The squadron will also be hosting the 10th District Sweetheart Rally at the Hall Saturday February 11 with our omelet breakfast to follow the next day Sunday February 12 also at the Hall.

The squadron has also made a donation to the new veterans memorial and we are excited to see it built.

We are always looking for new members so if you know any males who have father’s or grandfather’s that are/were veterans please invite them to join our squadron.


Remember Veterans, If you have the need to go to the Hospital (Community Care), remember to call the VA when you get there or to first get authorization for Community Care.

Call: 800-424-4018 and get a pre-authorization number for your records and the hospital you go to.

If you want the VA to pay for a trip in an ambulance they need to be notified within 72 HOURS. Remember to obtain the name of the person you talked to and an authorization number.

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2023-02-03T07:37:07-06:00Post Talk|

January 2023 Post Talk

Post Talk

Post Talk
North Branch Post #85

January 2023

  • Membership Meeting: Jan. 10th@ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  No meeting this month
  • SAL Meeting: Jan. 17th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Jan. 5th @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Jan. 17th @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Commander

Greetings and wishing all a prosperous and happy New Year! As 2022 comes to and end, I was thinking of all the terrific things took place at Post 85.

One thing that we all tackled was Covid, then we overcame a few problems at midsummer and ended with very good celebration.

The post has new Gaming Manager, Mike Johnson early this fall. I would like to personally thank Glenn Pierce for many years as our  gaming manager.

The Post did some upgrades this year:

  1. The Hall was painted,
  2. We installed a new pull tab booth,
  3. A new mini bar was built for the hall,
  4. A new bar top was built and coming in early March, and
  5. possibly several more projects if we remain busy and see the need.

The Legion’s Awards Dinner is Jan 10th.

Social Hour: (1700hrs) 5PM
Dinner served: (1800hrs) 6PM
Meetings/Awards: (1900hrs) 7PM

It will be catered by the Dave Reider Family, who have done such a fine job for us in past years. The awards and meeting will follow the meal.

The Legion has made a $25,000.00 donation towards the Veterans Memorial to be constructed in Central Park in North Branch.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Jan. 10th.

Ed Chromey, Chaplain, Post/Legion Riders

As we reflect upon all that has happened in the past twelve months, let us never forget that GOD has been present in our lives every moment of our days.

“Jesus Listens” – Sara Young

I hope this prayer for today will help you to have a great New Year.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

Santa Day was a huge success. We entertained over 100 kids and over 25 American Legion Family members helped! They kids were treated to crafts, our special flag punch board for goodie bags filled with treats and a prize, cookies and hot chocolate for everyone, and, of course, a visit with Santa Claus. Thank you to all the volunteers, who had a great time, as well as the kids.

Just a reminder: No Auxiliary meeting will be held in January. Be back in February 14th.

Charlie Hult, SAL Commander

I first want to say that I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their friends and families and I am looking forward to a wonderful New Year’s 2023.

We have two events coming up in February. First, is the 10th District Sweetheart Rally on February 11th @11:00am. Second is the SAL Omelet Breakfast which will be Sunday February 12th @ 0800-noon. We will have more information coming out on both events later on in January.

I was not able to attend the January meeting because I had had a knee replacement surgery, but I just want to welcome Troy Zambrano who has been a member for a couple of months and looking forward to him being an active member of the SAL. I also want to thank Vice Commander Darren Lemmermann for filling in for me in the January meeting. We usually give out 2 – $500 scholarships and it’s exciting to say this year we are going to be giving out 2- $1000 scholarships to two North Branch High School seniors.

I think going into 2023 will be an exciting year for the SAL as we move forward with trying to increase membership and do more projects within the community.

In closing, I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Years.

Camille Wentz, Riders Director

  • Legion Riders Christmas Party:

The Riders hosted a very successful Christmas party on Friday, December 9th in the Legion Hall. We had at least 40 in attendance and tons of food which was mostly purchased and prepared by all of our Riders. The family we sponsored for Christmas was extremely grateful for all of the gifts we purchased. Because Veterans on the Lake matched our donation, we were able to also present the family with a week-long stay there, once the husband/father returns from deployment.

  • Legion Riders participation in Santa Day:

The legion Riders participated in their first Santa Day program. It was a very fun time to see all the smiles on all the children, and adults as well. It was very well organized and we so enjoyed seeing the Legion Family working together. We had lots of fun and look forward to returning next year.

  • Legion Riders visit to Ecumen:

We visited Ecumen on Sunday, December 11th where we were blessed to visit with 19 veterans and their spouses who live there. The 16 Riders in attendance brought sandwiches, cookies, blankets, and personalized stockings stuffed to the max to each Veteran and spouse. Some of us visited with Veterans in the party room while others delivered goodies to the rooms of Veterans not able to make it to the party room. We sang Christmas Carols (only one Veteran asked for ear plugs) and later continued to distribute little gifts to non-veterans in the common areas. It was a truly moving experience for some of us who hadn’t had the opportunity to do something like this before. We hope to continue this effort in the future.

Randy Koivisto, Sgt at Arms

  • Christmas Gifts

On Friday, December 16th, a crew from Post 85 and our NB VFW post 6424 delivered Christmas gifts to veteran’s residing in our local nursing homes. The gifts were patriotic blankets, whose costs were shared by both posts. Those recipients appreciated the visits just as much, if not more, than the gift.

  • Veterans Memorial

The engineering plans are back from the supplier in Ohio and are being presented to the city for approval. This will be the final step prior to the fundraising campaign.

Our post recently made a donation of $25,000 to the project. The Auxiliary and the SAL will also be presenting a check to help kick start the process.

  • January Awards / Dinner meeting

Our annual awards meeting will start with a spaghetti dinner at 6pm, to be followed by the awards portion of the program. Chef Dave Reiter will be doing the cooking for us once again. There will be help also from the Air Force Jr. ROTC cadets, and our local Boy Scout troop. We have invited the VFW to join our gathering. All members of the Legion Family are invited, and can bring a guest at no charge. After the awards presentation, we will hold our normal post monthly meeting. Guests will be invited to leave (Flee!) just prior to the start of the monthly meeting.

Commanders’ reminder: Wear Legion attire including caps for photo’s before dinner. Catherine Eaton Johnson will be our photographer.

  • Blood Drive

Have you been told lately that you are “full of it”? Well, soon we will have a remedy for you! Our next quarterly blood drive is scheduled for Friday, February 3rd, from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. in our hall. Reservations are required. To reserve a spot you can call 1-800-733-2767, or visit RedCrossBlood.ORG. We could use folks to volunteer for a two hour shift (or more). Contact me at if you would like to sign up.

  • Honor Guard

Past commander Ray Pittman passed away from cancer recently. We also lost long time members Skip Solle, and Russ Ramberg. We provided honors at Skip’s funeral, and will be doing the same for Ray and Russ in the near future. We can always use more members for the honor guard. It’s one of the most important services that we offer. Contact me at to sign up or get more info.

  • Scholarships

Our post has committed to offering 5, $1,500 scholarships, to be presented in May at the High School.

Mike Johnson, Gaming Manager

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

As we move into 2023, I would like to point out a couple of changes that have been made to the gaming operation and point out some of the changes that are coming soon.

  • There are now two $2 pull-tab boxes and one $3 pull-tab box behind the bar. The bar pull-tab boxes are open during the day Monday-Saturday, prior to the pull-tab booth opening at 4 PM.
  • The pull-tab booth now offers two $1 boxes, two $2 boxes, one $3 box, and one $5 box.
  • The pull-tab booth is now open seven days a week.
  • The pull-tab booth hours are as follows:
    • Sunday: 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM+
    • Monday – Thursday: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM+
    • Friday – Saturday: 4:00 PM – 10:00 PM+
  • We now have 12 electronic pull-tab devices. These are available any time during normal business hours.
  • Meat Raffle is conducted on Monday’s and Thursday’s and starts at approximately 4:45 PM. Mondays are $1 tickets with a $20 gift card prize and Thursdays are $2 tickets with a $40 gift card prize. We offer gift cards for prizes from several local businesses including: The Hungry Farmer, The Fuse, Tailgaters, Pizza Pub, North Branch Liquors, Merchant’s Cafe, Kaffe Stuga, Peterson’s Mill, and Kwik Trip. A free drink is given to the person who is one number off (Mondays – higher, Thursdays – Lower) for each spin of the paddlewheel.
  • Four new TV’s have been purchased and will be installed in the near future. Three of them will be installed in the hall so during Thursday night bingo in the hall, you will be able to view the bingo software display no matter where you are sitting. The fourth TV will be installed on the South wall of the bar for better viewing of the bingo software display during Saturday night bar bingo.
  • Along with the new TV’s, we are in the process of getting bids to have the Audio/Video throughout the entire building updated.
  • Currently, Thursday night bingo in the hall is at 6:30 PM and Saturday night bar bingo is at 6:00 PM. In the near future, we plan on making some changes to both of the bingo programs. We are looking at changing some games, adding some exciting features, and possible moving to packets as opposed to selling single sheets that are sold in between each game.

Please follow the North Branch American Legion Post 85’s Facebook page. If bad weather is going to force the pull-tab booth to be closed or bingo/meat raffle to be canceled, it will be posted as soon as possible on our Facebook page.

Michael Johnson, Gambling Manager

Ron Rollins, Adjutant


I hope everyone had a delightful Christmas and New Year.

2023. What will the new year bring us this year?

I know motorcycle season is a short 4-5 months away! Keep thinking Spring! Snowmobilers – ENJOY!

I am starting out this year with recruitment on the mind. It is my goal to find at least 10 new members this year. I would like everyone to think with that goal in mind- or even a larger goal.

We will be conducting a membership drive this year that I would hope everyone is willing to participate in. The Legion Family member to recruit the most new members will receive a substantial prize (yet to be determined) by the end of the year. This recruitment can be for either the Legion, Auxiliary, or the Sons of American Legion or any combination therein. Make sure your name is on the bottom of the application when it’s turned in. A running tally will be recorded and at the end of the calendar year we will name a winner. Ready- GO!

The Department Commander, Jennifer Havlick is inviting anyone wishing to be a part of the 8th-10th District Monthly Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month starting at 7PM. The entire Legion Family is invited.

Join Zoom Meeting – 
Meeting ID: 893 9371 3109
Passcode: 810810

If you have any further questions: Contact Adjutant Ron Rollins 651-775-6985 before the date of the call and I will make contact with the Department Adjutant for any clarification.

This month I bring to you another program sponsored by the American Legion: American Legion Boys State which will be held June 11-17, 2023, at St John’s University Campus in Collegeville, Minnesota.

Minnesota American Legion Boys State is a week-long experience of learning about Minnesota government at the local, county and state levels by “doing”. It is a week of intensive study and involvement. The participants will actually organize and participate in the various levels and branches of government in addition to participating in athletics, music, writing for the newspaper or holding leadership positions across all levels of the program. Every boy will participate in the process of city, county and state government. Minnesota Boys State is a program for young men who have just completed their junior year of high school. Highlights of the week include political speakers, mock trials, campaigning, elections, and announcement of the Boys State Governor and State Constitutional Officers.

Unlike a summer or recreational camp, Minnesota Boys State is a week of studying and learning by involvement. However, we do have fun times, too. To illustrate this point, included in this mailing is a schedule of a typical day’s activities so you may see the type of program that is promoted and the pace expected to the citizens. The citizens also have the opportunity for group living. For many, it will be their first exposure to dormitory living and sharing a room. Meals are served cafeteria style. This is quite different from their home environment. This week will be a good preview of college dorm life. The citizens have both an opportunity and a responsibility. The opportunity is one of participating in a program of government with hundreds of other young men from throughout Minnesota. The responsibility is not only spending the week learning as much as he can, but also taking this knowledge and experience back into his school and his community, using it and sharing it with others. If you have any questions concerning Minnesota American Legion Boys State, please contact State Headquarters or your local American Legion Post.

Our staff is an all-volunteer organization comprised of Legionaries, former Boys Stators, teachers, and civic minded citizens from various professions. Combined the staff has decades of experience in instructing the delegates at Boys State and works hard to fulfill the objectives and goals put forth by the American Legion.

Go to our website and find out more about Minnesota Boys State or contact The American Legion Department of Minnesota at

American Legion Department of Minnesota
20 West 12th Street, Room 300-A
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: 651-291-1800

Toll-free: 866-259-9163.

The Legion Auxiliary also does a Girls State:

What is Girls State?

ALA Minnesota Girls State is a diverse group of young women who share a common desire to learn. From small towns to urban areas, the citizens’ diverse backgrounds add spirit to the program. The purposes of the ALA Minnesota Girls State program are to provide Americanism and good citizenship training and to inform our participants about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of government as practiced in a democratic society.

Each June, the ALA Minnesota Girls State “citizens” study the Minnesota city, county, and state governmental processes. Citizens are divided into two fictional political parties gaining knowledge of the operations of a two-party system. They formulate their cities electing the officials and then proceed on to county and state governmental positions. Activities include campaigning, caucusing, debating, and voting. Parliamentary procedures and also used in the process.

This year ALA Minnesota Girls State is a week long session from Sunday June 11th to Saturday June 17th, 2023 at BETHEL UNIVERSITY in St. Paul, MN. For further information go to

Start thinking of summer conventions and conferences. I will be listing them beginning next month. I will be attending the District and Department Convention this year. Dates and times will be posted soon. Come and join me in learning more about the American Legion.

If you wish to be a delegate, attend your meetings and request to be nominated as a delegate-that makes you a voting member for our Post.

The District Mid-Winter Conference will be in Anoka. This is a one-day conference for the Legion Family having their own meetings. This is a great place to start getting active in the American Legion.

Staff Introduction this month is our new Post Gaming Manager, Mike Johnson.

I was born and raised in Stark, MN and attended North Branch Schools.  My junior and senior years of high school I attended Cambridge Community College through the PSEO program and graduated in the year 2000.  Throughout my childhood I enjoyed playing sports, hunting, fishing, swimming, and snowboarding.

Shortly after graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.  I attended boot camp at MCRD San Diego and stepped on the yellow footprints on April 9th, 2001, one of a handful of days in my life that I will never forget.  After graduating boot camp, I attended my MOS school at Camp Johnson, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.  After graduating MOS school in September 2001, I was transferred to my permanent duty station, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.  In January of 2003, my unit was deployed to Northern Kuwait in support of what would later become Operation Iraqi Freedom.  After returning from Iraq, I finished my time on active duty in the Marine Corps back at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, being Honorably Discharged on April 8th, 2005.

I have been a Legion & VFW member for 17 years, and a SAL member for 41 years.

I’m currently self-employed as an Independent Catastrophic Insurance Adjuster for my full-time career.  Storm season for me typically runs from around April until October.

My wife Justina and I have been married for almost 21 years.  We have one son, Declan, who just turned three years old.  We also have two dogs, Serene and Harley, both of which are rescues.  We love to travel, spend time with friends and family, and spend time on the lake, whether it’s fishing or jet skiing.

Thank you Mike and welcome aboard- again. If you will see Mike hustling around the Legion doing all things gambling. Please welcome him.

  • Membership Goals:

As of 14 Dec, North Branch Post #85 was at 74% of goal. We need 57 more renewals to reach goal. Let’s get those in.

  • Troop collections:

I will be collecting items thru January to mail to the 257th MP Company (National Guard based in Monticello) who are currently deployed to the southern border. The following are items I am looking for. If you want to donate something similar, feel free. Anything you can help me provide would be appreciated. This will be sent to those Troops in the name of the NORTH BRANCH AMERICAN LEGION FAMILY. I will be collecting these items for the next 30 days. Thank you in advance for your help.

Items to donate:

Reusable water bottles
Blender bottles
Plastic silverware
Ziploc bags (various sizes)
Reusable Tupperware (various sizes)
Dish soap
Paper plates/bowls
Paper towels
Tin foil
Room air fresheners
Hand sanitizer
Laundry detergent
Stress balls
Sani wipes
Click pens
Small extension cords
Power strips
Basic tools (screwdrivers, utility tools, etc)
Peanut butter
Jelly – various flavors
Foods on the go (granola bars, breakfast bars, trail mix, etc.)
Books (with law enforcement topic or storyline)
Decks of cards
Bingo game
Board or other card games
Outdoor games

Also, handwritten thank you notes are also very welcomed.

Upcoming events

  • Jan1st-NEW YEARS DAY- 2023
  • Jan 14th- 10th District Mid-Winter Conference- Anoka Post 102
  • Feb 4th- Dept. Sweetheart Rally- 10:30am, Osseo, MN
  • Feb 11th- District 10 Sweetheart Rally- North Branch, MN
  • March 17-18- SAL Detachment Spring Conference- Rochester, MN
  • March 18-April 22- Legion Family Bowling Tourney- Sundance Lanes, Dayton, MN
  • April 15th- Dept Appreciation Family Gathering, New Prague, MN
  • June 15-18, 2023 MIDSUMMER DAYS
  • July 12-15th- Department Convention, Willmar Conference Center
  • Oct. 12-15th-Minnesota Legion College- Camp Ripley
  • Oct 26-28th- Dept Fall Conference- River’s Edge Conv. Center, St Cloud, MN

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2023-01-09T17:17:53-06:00Post Talk|

December 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85

By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

December 2022

  • Membership Meeting: Dec. 13th@ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting: Dec. 13th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: Dec. 20th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting: Dec. 1st @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Dec. 20th @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Commander

Greetings on this very snowy day.

On Dec. the 10th the North Branch American Legion Family will be hosting the annual Santa Claus Day starting at 1pm and going until 4pm. Tell all your family members to stop by, young and old are welcome.

Remember to renew your membership if you have not yet done so.

The next membership meeting is Dec. 13th.

Have great week.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

Merry Christmas. I pray everyone enjoys this holiday season.

Due to many people saving pop tabs, we recently donated 79lbs for Ronald McDonald House. Wow! Thanks to everyone who helped with saving their pop tabs.

Don’t forget our American Legion Family Santa Day on December 10th from 1:00 to 4:00.

Director Camille Wentz

The Riders are excited to have connected with a local family to support over Christmas.  We have been busy shopping for gifts and planning the dinner to honor the family. The dinner will be at the Legion on December 9th where we will present them with the gifts. In addition to that, we plan to present each veteran at Ecumen with a stuffed stocking this holiday season.

The 2023 Christmas in July Ride route has been mapped out and promotional merchandise to sell has been ordered.  We are excited to get a jump start on the ride planning this year.

The Riders wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season!

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Veterans Day dinner had a huge turn out with a packed hall of around 200 people. The SAL did an excellent of keeping things rolling and with the assistance of Boy Scout Troop 411, and the North Branch Air Force JROTC made the task a little easier.

This month I bring to you another program sponsored by the American Legion: The Oratorical Contest for Students.

“A Constitutional Speech Contest”

The American Legion Oratorical Contest exists to develop deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among high school students. Since 1938, the program has presented participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation’s laws, the ability to
think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship. The program has featured numerous politicians and prominent contestants over the years, including former presidential candidate Alan Keyes, national television commentator and talk radio host Lou Dobbs, and Vice-President of the United States Mike Pence.

Young orators earn some of the most generous college scholarships available to high school students. Over $203,500 in scholarships can be awarded each year. The overall national contest winner gets a $25,000 scholarship. Second place takes home $22,500, and third gets $20,000.

Each department (state) winner who is certified into and participates in the national contest’s first round receives a $2,000 scholarship. Those who advance past the first round receive an additional $2,000 scholarship. The American Legion’s National Organization awards the scholarships, which can be used at any college or university in the United States.

High school students under age 20 are eligible. Competition begins at the post level and advances to a state competition. Legion department representatives certify one winner per state to the national contest, where department winners compete against each other in two speaking rounds. The contest caps off with a final round
that decides the three top finishers. Speaking subjects must be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with some emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government. Speeches are eight to 10 minutes long; three-to-five minute speeches on an assigned topic also are part of the contest.

Membership Goals:

As of November 2, North Branch was at 63% of our membership goal. As of that date we still needed 81 members to reach our goal. We are
at 140 renewed as of Nov 2nd. Lets get our renewals in.

Don’t forget to send the Adjutant any and all volunteer hours and any donations made to another 501c3, or community organization, so it can be documented on our Consolidated Post Report.

Troop Collections:

I will be collecting items to mail to the 257th MP Company (National Guard based in Monticello) who are currently deployed to the southern border. The following are items I am looking for. If you want to donate something similar, feel free. Anything you can help me provide would be appreciated. This will be sent to those Troops in the name of the NORTH BRANCH AMERICAN LEGION FAMILY. I will be collecting these items for the next 30 days. Thank you in advance for
your help.

Items to Donate:

  • Reusable water bottles
  • Blender bottles
  • Plastic silverware
  • Ziploc bags (various sizes)
  • Reusable Tupperware (various sizes)
  • Dish soap
  • Sponges
  • Paper plates/bowls
  • Paper towels
  • Tin foil
  • Room air fresheners
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Laundry detergent
  • Stress balls
  • Sani wipes
  • Flashlights
  • Click pens
  • Small extension cords
  • Power strips
  • Basic tools (screwdrivers, utility tools, etc)
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly – various flavors
  • Foods on the go (granola bars, breakfast bars, trail mix, etc)
  • Books (with law enforcement topic or story-line)
  • Decks of cards
  • Bingo game
  • Board or other card games
  • Outdoor games
  • Also, handwritten thank you notes are also very welcomed.

Upcoming Events:

  • Dec 3rd Pearl Harbor Rally – Spicer Post 145 – Social hour 11am, meal 12pm, Program 1pm.
  • Dec 7th Pearl Harbor Day
  • Dec 10th Santa Day 1-4pm – NB Legion Hall
  • Dec 24th Christmas Eve – Legion is closing early
  • Dec 25th Christmas Day – Legion is CLOSED
  • Dec 31st New Years Eve

“Remember, YOU Are the Legion”

2022-12-06T21:46:17-06:00Post Talk|

November 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85

By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

November 2022

  • Membership Meeting: Nov. 8th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting: Nov. 8th @ 7PM
  • SAL Meeting: Nov. 15th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Nov. 3rd @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Nov. 15th @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Commander

Greetings to all Veterans at Post 85. It has finally come to fruition. The city council last, Tuesday evening gave the ok for the Veterans Memorial to be constructed in the city park. Now we go to work and finish this beautiful memorial.

  • This coming week, on Nov. 4th is a blood drive at the Legion Hall starting at 9:00 A M.
  • Following the blood drive is purse bingo starting with registration at 6pm, followed by the first bingo number being called at 7:00 PM.
  • On Nov. 11th the SAL will be hosting a dinner for all Veterans starting 5:00 PM social hour, and supper will be served starting 6 PM.
  • Remember to sign up your membership for the 2023 year, which can be done either online or by check.
  • Our next Membership meeting is on Nov. 8th  at 7 PM at the upstairs meeting room.

I hope every has a great week coming up, the weather sounds like it’s going to be gorgeous!
Commander Hals

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

The American Legion Family is once again hosting SANTA DAY!

Last year was a success and a lot of fun, and we are excited to host Santa Day again this year. The date is Dec. 10, 1:00 – 4:00. Treats, games, crafts, plus a visit and taking photos with Santa. We could use some help. If you are interested, please call me at 651-295-7260 or contact Charlie Hult.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

The Riders have been fortunate enough to sneak a few more group rides in this season and continue to squeeze in as much riding time as possible. A group gathered for a ride on 10/2, 10/4, 10/11, 10/23, and are planning to ride 11/3! The fall colors have been amazing and I can’t believe we are still riding in November!

The Christmas in July Subcommittee held its first meeting to start planning the 2023 Christmas in July Ride and are excited to host another successful event.

Some of the Riders even dressed up for Halloween and had a great time together this last weekend.

Ed Chromey, Chaplain

This is the month we give thanks. Please reflect this month on your life. The wonderful family you have, the friends that are with us every day, the roof over our head, the freedom we maintain, and the GREAT country we live in.

We give thanks to our LORD Jesus Christ for everything we have. HE is the creator of Heaven & Earth.

Our Forefathers drew up the Declaration of Independence based on the principles and teachings we read in the Holy Bible.

While at the dinner table devouring that turkey and mashed potatoes, look around and see all the blessings you received in your life.

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”
Col 3:15

GOD Bless you and your families!!

Randy Koivisto, Sgt. At Arms

Veterans Memorial update:

We can celebrate another step forward on our quest to establish a veteran’s memorial in our home town. On Tuesday, October 25th, the city council voted unanimously to approve the memorial project, subject to the submission of engineering plans. That means that they have approved the site in Central Park, and the design that was presented at the meeting. The large veteran turnout most certainly made a statement! Many thanks to all that came to support the project, even though it was tight quarters at the fire hall, and there were many that had to stand through the whole process. The final vote was extremely emotional for some of the council members as they shared what the memorial will mean to them. Please check out the online video. The next step is to crank up the fundraising machine and to put the finishing touches on the design work. We are required by the supplier of the stone to put a 25% down payment to get the material ordered. It will be laser finished in Ohio, then shipped here after the site foundation work is completed. We hope to break ground by the fall of 2023, but more likely the spring of 2024. For those that haven’t seen the design yet, you are invited to stop in at the Empire Insurance office on Main Street in North Branch to view the details.

Finally, if you get the chance, stop by the Empire office and personally thank Joe Scaramell for all of his tireless efforts to bring this project along to date. He isn’t a veteran, but is as dedicated as any to our cause. He has spent countless hours and some of his own dollars to make this happen. He’s pushed aside the mountain of paper on his desk so that we could hold committee meetings during working hours. I’ve even known him to stay late into the evening to make sure some aspect of the project was completed on time. His wife Laura, and daughter Christine, have also been a huge help in moving us along. My hats off to that family!

Red Cross Blood Drive:

We will be hosting a Red Cross blood drive on Friday, November 4th, from 9 -3. I will be there all day, from 8-4 to help with setup, take down, and anything in between. I could use some help. If anyone can spare a couple of hours, it would be most appreciated.

Beef Donation:

The anonymous Almelund beef farmer has once again donated a large quantity of packaged ground beef. We will be distributing some at our monthly meeting, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm, and at the Coffee Talk meeting for veterans hosted by our county service officer on the third Tuesday of the month at 9am. We are extremely grateful for his generosity.


Mike Johnson, Gaming Manager

We still have tickets left for Coach Purse Bingo on November 4th, but they are not expected to last long. Get your tickets and come enjoy the excitement.

Viking Sundays: We have football tipboards for Football Sunday’s. Come and enjoy the football games at the Legion with friends and family!

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Santa Day is coming December 10th

It will be held at the American Legion Hall 1-4PM. Volunteers are needed to make this happen. If you would like to be a part of any event this would be the one!

To volunteer contact Carene Johnson at 651-674-4810, Charlie Hult at 651-7751626, or Michelle Still 651-295-7260.

With these upcoming winter months I will be highlighting one or two American Legion programs that affects us all. These are all programs we can help with and bring to our Post. Today, I bring to you:

The Minnesota Veterans Assistance Fund.

The Minnesota American Legion Foundation is committed to the health and welfare of our Minnesota Veterans and their families. Out of the desire to serve, the Minnesota American Legion Foundation established this program as a form of direct aid to Veterans, deployed service members’ families, and surviving children to help sustain a quality of life so deserved.

The MVAF falls under our Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation (VA&R) pillar. Through MVAF, an American Legion Post can call upon the Minnesota American Legion Foundation for cash assistance to help maintain the basic needs of a Veteran, Deployed Serviceman’s family, or to assist surviving minor children, (applicant), of eligible Veterans.  Non-repayable grants are awarded to eligible applicants over a temporary period when it is determined that they need assistance. The purpose of the grant is to maintain a stable environment for the applicant by helping them meet the costs of shelter, food, utilities, transportation, and medical expenses.

Grant Categories

Basic Needs Maintenance
Basic Needs include expenses such as shelter, utilities, and transportation. Maintenance grants cannot be used for previously incurred debt, except to prevent disconnection of utilities, eviction or foreclosure, and the inability to get to the place of employment.

This grant may be used to assist with healthcare expenses such as medical care, dental care, surgery, hospitalization, medications, and dietary needs. Grocery gift cards may be given to those families who are having difficulty providing nutritious, quality food for their families.  Clothing expense is to ensure the applicant has adequate clothing to protect them during Minnesota’s fall, winter, and spring seasons. Grants for medical issues will require a written statement from a physician outlining the problem, treatment, and estimated costs. Medical treatment must be approved before the services are rendered unless it is a life-threatening emergency.

Veterans, families of deployed service members, and surviving minor children are eligible to apply for the grant.


Veteran eligibility for the MVAF grant is the same as the American Legion’s membership eligibility; a veteran must have served at least one day of active military duty since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving active military duty honorably.

Official proof of eligible active duty must accompany the application. Typically, this is a DD Form 214 however, VA Regional Office verification letters and other official government records may be considered if the dates of service and characterization of discharge are included. An American Legion membership card is not acceptable. American Legion membership is not required to be eligible.

Minor Child

Minor children include any biological child of an eligible Veteran that is unmarried and 17 years old or younger. Minor children may also include stepchildren, grandchildren, adopted children, and others under 17 years of age and in legal custody of an eligible Veteran. Birth Certificates and or legal custody, divorce, marriage, and name change papers provide proof of eligibility.

MN Resident

The applicant must be a resident of the state of Minnesota. Proof of residency includes an MN Driver’s License, state ID, or utility bill.
(Other restrictions and requirements may apply)

  • I have looked at our membership roster and noticed that several members have not renewed.
  • You, as a member are important to us. Our Post needs your membership to continue helping with other veteran programs.
  • We need your ideas to change our post for the changing generation of veterans and how we can best serve them.
  • We need your hands to perform functions of a program that you are interested in.

Upcoming events:

  • Nov 4th- Red Cross Blood Drive- NBAL 9am-3pm.
  • Nov 4th- Coach Purse Bingo- 7pm.
  • ELECTION Day- Nov. 8th- Get out and VOTE.
  • Nov 11th Veterans Day!
  • Nov 11th- SAL sponsored Veterans Dinner- Free to all veterans @1700 (5PM).
  • Nov 13th- American Legion Auxiliary 103rd birthday!
  • Nov. 24th- Thanksgiving
  • Dec 13th- Department Pearl Harbor Rally- Royalton Post 137 – Social @10:30am, Meal 11:30, Program 12:30
  • Dec 10th- Santa Day NBAL Hall- VOLINTEERS NEEDED!
  • Dec. 24th Christmas Eve
  • Dec. 25th Christmas Day- ***LEGION CLOSED***
  • Jan 7th, 2023- District Mid-Winter Conference- location TBD.
  • Feb. 11th- District Sweetheart Rally- SAL- North Branch #85

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-10-31T22:20:50-05:00Post Talk|

October 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85

October 2022

  • Membership Meeting: Oct. 11th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  Oct. 11th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: Oct. 18th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Oct. 6th @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Oct 18th @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Commander

Greetings to all. I don’t have a lot to pass on, just a few things that are happening.

  • The hall will be painted this Tuesday and Wednesday and we are still waiting for the side door to be repaired.
  • The parking lot patching repairs have been completed.
  • Mark Johnson, Membership Director asks that everyone who needs renew, to please do so. We are 60% of goal as of this writing.
  • The Veterans Memorial at booth at Fall Harvest Festival drew interest from a lot of people.
  • Veterans Dinner, sponsored by the Squadron #85 Sons of American Legion will be held on Friday, November 11th with social hour from 5:00-6:00PM in the hall.
  • The monthly membership meeting is on Oct. 11th at 7 PM, I look  to forward to seeing everyone.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

A big thank you for the support for our school supply drive. We collected $258 worth of supplies, which were given to Sunrise Elementary. The principal and staff were very appreciative.

Randy Koivisto, Sgt. At Arms

  • Blood Drive: On Friday, November 4th , The American Legion is hosting a Red Cross blood drive at the Legion. Volunteers are needed, and of course, donors too. If you wish to be a donor, please check out the Red Cross website to reserve an appointment. The hours will be from 9-3. Volunteers are needed, as well as donors. Even if you can only volunteer for a couple of hours it would be greatly appreciated.
  • Veterans Memorial: The design plans are back from the company in Ohio that will be doing the design work on the Veteran’s Memorial in Central Park. There will be a presentation of the design at the next Coffee Talk with the County VSO on Tuesday, October 18th,  , from 9 to 10 am, in our hall. All interested veterans should attend. We had a booth at the Fall Harvest Festival in Central Park in September and received nothing but positive comments about the proposed design and the its location.

Ed Chromey, Chaplain (Post & Riders)

Please keep in prayer for our Country. With the way food and gas prices are going a lot of people are hurting. GOD is our only answer.

NBALR had an impromptu motorcycle ride Sunday 10/2  letting them enjoy the fall colors around the immediate area. The group had an enjoyable time together an rode close to 200 miles.

The ALR is currently working on their Christmas dinner plans for veteran families in need in our area.

Their By-Laws have been updated and were approved by the membership. They will be turned over to our Public Relations Committee to be placed on our website.

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Personally, it’s been a very busy month. September went by in a flash. I can’t believe it’s October already. I’m not ready for the 4th of July to be over yet!

Membership renewals are now being accepted for the Legion Family. Please get those in to keep our Post strong. If you are at the Legion you may put your dues into the mailbox and the top of the stairs to the meeting room. Legion members may pay at the bar. Do not leave cash without it being in a sealed envelope with your name and purpose for the “membership dues.” Legion Riders members: pay your dues directly to your original membership directors (or mailboxes). The Riders membership director monitors the paid memberships, he/she does not collect the dues.

If you are planning on going to the Fall Conference, in St. Cloud a registration is below. Great learning and networking opportunities here.

Upcoming events:

  • Oct. 27-29 Department Fall Conference – St. Cloud

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-10-14T09:04:20-05:00Post Talk|

September 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

September 2022

  • Membership Meeting: Sept 13th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  Sept. 13th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: Sept. 20th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Sept 1st @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Sept. 20th @ 9:00AM

Rick Hals, Post Commander

Greetings to all.  At the last Post meeting we talked about the midsummer total receipts. I am happy to inform those who were not there that it was very good considering a few major obstacles. I’m happy to say the total for the weekend was only a few thousand dollars less the record year of 2021. The Legion Hall is looking pretty rough so, on Sept. 6th we will be scrubbing the floor of the hall. If anyone would like to help for a few hours it would  certainly be appreciated. We will not wax it until the B,F&A meets. We are also talking about repainting the walls.

One last note, the National Wild Turkey Federation will be having their bingo in the hall on Sept 21st. Carene will need help with set up and serving food so please try to help out.

The next meeting is on Sept. 13th, I hope to see you there.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

September 1st is here and it kicks off a busy month. The auxiliary is still taking donations for our school supply drive. Donations can be brought to our next meeting on September 13th or dropped off at the Legion Hall. And, cash donations can be left at the club. Thank you for your support.

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

The Riders continue to co-host weekly dinner rides with the Forest Lake American Legion Riders and have had as many as 18 bikes attend. The partnership with Forest Lake has been beneficial to both groups, and a lot of fun!

We are starting our plans to support veteran families during Christmas and are excited to do some good with the money raised during the Christmas in July Ride. We have continued to receive donations towards the ride since the event which is amazing.

Special thanks to Road Captain Andy Specht and Chaplain Ed Chromey who organized and completed the flag and flagpole replacement at the Howlin’ Wolf Creek Bar. This establishment has been a huge supporter of veterans and the Riders and we wanted to show appreciation.

The Constitution and Bylaws subcommittee have been working on our by-laws and will present proposed changes to the group at an upcoming meeting.

Randy Koivisto, Sgt At Arms

Our POW/MIA chair cover has gone missing. Notice to all active members to please check your stash to see if someone accidentally took it home, or know where it is, please let us know. This is used during all of our official events & meetings of the American Legion.

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

As a charter member and first Director of the NB Legion Riders I want to brag a little about the Legacy Scholarship fund.

“The Legacy Fund provides college scholarships to the children of U.S. military personnel killed while on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, as well as for children of post-9/11 veterans with a combined disability rating of 50 percent or greater by the Department of Veterans Affairs. This year’s total marked the eighth time the Legacy Run has surpassed $1 million raised for the Legacy Fund and has raised more than $16 million since 2006.”

In 2010 Minnesota had their own run. Since then, the Department of Minnesota is the ONLY Department to raise over one million dollars for this fund.

This year the entire nation raised a record $1,324,548 for these children. On motorcycles spending their own money on fuel, hotels, and food, while enjoying the company of others while raising this money for the kids.

On the National American Legion website says it best. MINNESOTA is number #1 at National Convention!

“The Department of Minnesota American Legion Family again topped the floor donations with $155,000, but several other departments delivered substantial donations. Both the Departments of South Carolina ($97,549) and Missouri ($94,514) approached the six-digit mark, while the Departments of Ohio ($84,855) and Virginia ($83,000) rounded out the top five. Ohio’s state Legacy Run netted more than $74,000 in just its second year.”

Congratulation to all the riders for a job well done!!

Upcoming Events:
  • Sept. 2nd V-J Day in 1945
  • Sept. 8-11th Legionville Camporee
  • Sept. 10th Harvest Rally (10th District Rally1PM; Department Rally 3PM) Pre-purchased meal tickets required-  Legionville
  • Sept. 11th Patriot day
  • Sept. 14 (1814) Star Spangled Banner Written
  • Sept. 15th-18th Riders Romp- Legionville
  • Sept. 16th POW/MIA recognition Day
  • Sept. 18th (1947) U.S. Air Force established
  • Sept. 24th Forest Lake American Legion Toys for Tots Ride- Forest Lake.
  • Oct. 27-29 Department Fall Conference- St. Cloud


Congratulations to Bob Ruetimann who received his 10 year membership pin at the August meeting.

Ruetimann is pinned with his 10 years of service to the American Legion by 1st Vice Commander Mark Johnson.

Carene Johnson, Club Manager

Join us for the Minnesota Viking games! We will have drink specials, food, and a chance to win a 50 inch TV! One will be given to the season winner of the football picks and we will draw for one at the end of the season!

Hope you can join us.

SAL Members: Note the new meeting time of 7PM (1900hrs) which was approved by the membership at the July meeting.

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-09-12T08:51:31-05:00Post Talk|

August 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

August 2022

  • Membership Meeting: Aug. 9th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  No August meeting
  • SAL Meeting: Aug. 16th @ 7:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  Aug. 4th @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: Aug. 16th @ 9:00AM

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

The North Branch American Legion Family has a Relay for Life Team again this year. The event is August 10th at the Chisago Lakes Lutheran Church starting at 6:00 pm. Please consider being a team member or making a tax deductible donation to our team in the battle against cancer. You can find more information at Relay for Life of Chisago County or email me. You can also contact our team captain, Dianne Klund at 651-497-8442. We would love to have you be a part of the team.

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

4th of July Celebration with Forest Lake

The Riders joined the Forest Lake American Legion Riders Post 225 in staffing their adult lemonade stand during the 4th of July Celebration. Forest Lake Riders generously offered to share a portion of their tips earned at the lemonade stand with our group. We then joined them for the 4th of July Parade which is always a blast, despite the pouring rain on the way there.

Christmas in July Motorcycle Ride

We had 106 people attend the 10th Annual Christmas in July Motorcycle Ride on July 9th! The North Branch American Legion Riders were shocked at the amount of support received from our own and surrounding communities! With the help from the North Branch Police Department, Chisago County Sheriff Department, and the Burnett, WI County Sheriff’s Department; we safely led one of the largest Christmas in July Motorcycle Rides yet. We raised just over $5,000 which will bring a lot of joy to military families this Christmas season. I am beyond proud of our Legion Riders and want to thank them for working so hard! Thank you to the North Branch American Legion for the support and use of facilities during the event. Check out the great photos taken by new Legion Rider Jorge Perales.

Tenth District Legacy Ride

The Riders participated in the Tenth District Legacy Run on July 24th to raise money for the Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. The ride started in Osseo then traveled to St. Francis, Pine City, North Branch, Lino Lakes and Fridley. The Riders would like to thank Squadron 85 SAL Commander Charlie Hult, 1st Vice Commander Bob Egan, Finance Officer Chris Fedun, and the entire SAL for donating $300 to the Legacy Scholarship Fund!

Randy Koivisto, Sgt. At Arms

Color Guard

I have met with two of the three new color guard members from the SAL. We did a uniform check with additional pieces being added, and a problem with patches on one of the uniforms was discovered, thankfully before our first event with them. We also touched on some close order drill instructions, and will schedule more when all three are fully equipped and ready to go.

Veteran’s Memorial

Larry Lattimore, myself, and Joe, met via zoom with the project manager from Ohio recently, where we discussed some of the last minute details that needed addressing. Once the plan is put to paper, we will hold a meeting open to all members to discuss the final plan. We are shooting for a 2023 spring start for breaking ground.

Cemetery Project

There are now 10 different cemeteries that we are working at to clean up the Veteran’s headstones and footstones. What started as a mission to spruce up the unacceptably filthy civil war era soldiers stones, at the Sunrise Cemetery, has now expanded to include all veteran’s stones that need attention. Recently we have also been granted permission at a few locations to level out the headstones that were badly tilted. Please take some time to stop out at the Sunrise Cemetery to see what a difference it has made to use some of your dollars  to purchase the expensive chemical (D/2) that helps make it all possible.


Our retired flag collection bin was starting to overflow, so the flags were transported to the Vet’s Camp at Big Marine Lake where they have an annual large flag retirement ceremony.

Leadership Photos

The post leadership photos at the hall entrance will be updated and will only be comprised of the leaders of our four post divisions, rather than having all of the post officers shown.


The generous farmer from the Almelund area, who wishes to remain anonymous, again donated a freezer full of ground beef, which we will be distributing in the next couple of months when things cool down.

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Now that everyone has caught their breath from Midsummer, it’s time to look forward in our goals for the American Legion for the next year, and also look at what we can improve with next years Midsummer Celebration.

I want to congratulate the North Branch American Legion Riders for a very successful ride on July 9th. The had 87 total vehicles on the ride, including those that wanted to be a part, but did not own a motorcycle- they drove a classic car or their everyday ride.

It was a really great time, with very few issues. For their first attempt it was great to see that the 10 year tradition will continue. It will be exciting to hear of how the chosen veteran families will benefit at Christmas time from their efforts of summer.

Upcoming Events:

  • August 9th- Primary Vote- GET OUT TO VOTE1 OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON IT!
  • August 19th- Legacy Run Kick-off party- Anoka Post 102
  • August 20th-23rd-Legacy Run- Statewide
  • August 23- ALR to National Convention- Milwaukee
  • Oct. 27-29 Department Fall Conference- St. Cloud

SAL Members: Note the new meeting time of 7PM (1900hrs) which was approved by the membership at the July meeting.

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-08-04T22:20:24-05:00Post Talk|

July 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch American Legion Post 85 - Post Talk

North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

July 2022

  • Membership Meeting: July 12th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  None this month
  • SAL Meeting: July 19th @ 6:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  July 7th @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: July 19th @ 9:AM
  • Legion Riders Dinner ride: Every Wednesday night @6PM

Rick Hals, Post Commander

Greetings on a very warm evening. First and foremost I want to thank everyone that came out and volunteered their time and talents to make the Legions 96th year a success. Without the volunteers from the Legion, Auxiliary, SAL, Legion Riders, NBFD, Lions, and Boy Scouts our Midsummer Celebration would not be as successful as it was. So, a huge THANK YOU to you all. Remember the next meeting will be July 12th at 7:00 PM.

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

Midsummer was a great event and successful. Thank you to everyone who helped with our event.

As a project, I would like to have a school supply drive again this year. Last year was a huge success. I am mentioning it now because school supplies will soon be going on sale. We will plan to collect the supplies in September.

Just as a reminder, we don’t meet again until September 13th at 7:00 p.m.

Happy Independence Day!

Charlie Hult, Commander – SAL

We got past Midsummer. The SAL put on the Bingo sessions Thursday, Friday, & Saturday and we had a great turnout along with the kids bingo. We had several businesses in the North Branch and the surrounding area that donated prizes for the kids bingo that helped make it a success. We handled the raffle event with some great prizes as well.

  • First prize: $750.00
  • Second prize: A rifle
  • Third prize: a 9mm pistol
  • Fourth prize: a $350.00 gift card from County Market

I would like to thank these businesses that donated the prizes for the kids Bingo; Kaffe Stuga, The Fuse, Muddy Cow, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Pizza Pub, Papa Murphy, JJ’s Bowl, Dickey’s, and North Branch Golf Course. We are looking forward to the next event, the money we raised will go to scholarships and other charitable  donations as well.

I want to also give a BIG thanks to all that volunteered their time to make Midsummer a success for the SAL.

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

What a great year, so far! The Midsummer Kiddie Parade was a success with about 60 kids participating in the parade and parents walking alongside. Besides the registration table and paperwork getting pelted with bird do-do, it was a great day!

The Grand Parade was a hot but a fun one!  Legion Riders led a truck that carried the Midsummer Kiddie King and Queen. The truck pulled a trailer with many of the Rider’s kids. The kids had a blast throwing out freezies from the trailer and waving to everyone. Special thanks to Jake and Danica Williams, Dan Nybeck, Ed Chromey, Randy Sprecher, Ron Rollins, Rich Hagert, Tim Wentz, Tom Greene for representing the Riders well during Midsummer.

Online registration and payments are being collected for the Christmas in July Ride and interest on Facebook continues to grow. We opened the ride to all vehicles and are excited to see how many we get this year.

Riders continue to meet with the Forest Lake Legion Riders for weekly dinner rides. Good riding, food, and conversation for all.

We have several new members joining the Riders and I hope to introduce them to you next month, after the paperwork is finalized.

(NBALR at BelieVet Motorcycle Run- Lino Lakes)

Randy Koivisto, Sgt at Arms

Color Guard: We are nearing completion of assembling uniforms and accessories for 3 SAL members that will be joining our color guard. Once they are fully equipped, there will be a period of training needed before they will join our squad at funerals and other color guard functions. We are currently understaffed and welcome the additional participation from our Post 85 Legion family.

Headstone Project: We have received permission from Grandstrand’s funeral home to work on the veteran’s headstones in the North Branch Oak Hill cemetery. Last week, member Myles Gunia and myself straightened up a number of headstones that were leaning badly and also treated them all with the usual chemical treatment. We are currently awaiting permission from the caretakers of the Oak Grove Cemetery in Harris to service those headstones as well. That will bring the total to 8 Chisago County cemeteries where we are ensuring that those veteran’s final resting places are respectfully maintained.

Veteran’s Memorial Project: Bids have come back from the firm in Ohio, and we will be meeting with them again to tweak a few things. Our goal is to have an impressive memorial, but also something that we can afford. We should have some solid figures soon. Thanks to Joe Scaramell for taking on the job of being the main contact with the designer.

Law and Order Committee Member, Tim O’Day was on hand at the microphone under the tent at Midsummer to announce the awarding of the North Branch Legion 2021-2022 EM/Paramedic of the Year to Alissa Behl, with Lakes Region EMS.

The award was presented by commander Rick Hals.

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

SAL member Randy Sprecher and I attended the 10th District Convention on Jun 4th as representative and I gave a report to the Commander as 10th District Law & Order Chairman.

I attended the Legion meeting and Randy attended the SAL meeting.

Post 85 received an award plaque for their generous donation to the Legacy Fund through the Legion Riders Legacy Ride from Ride Coordinator Jody Hassing. Hopefully we can beat that amount this year!

Attend the July 12th meeting if you are interested in becoming a delegate for the Department Convention in Willmar, MN. On July 14-16th, 2022.

Some Memorial Day Photos

I want to take a moment to highlight the work of the Legion Riders

Upcoming events:

  • June 30-July 4th Forest Lake Legion 4th July Celebration
  • July 6th- Dinner ride at NBALR. KSU @ 6PM
  • July 9th- Christmas in July Ride
  • July 13th- ALR Dinner Ride at Forest Lake ALR. KSU @ 5:30 PM
  • July 14th-16th- 2022 Department Convention in Willmar, MN
  • July 20th- Dinner ride at NBALR. KSU @ 6PM
  • July 23rd- 24th-  10th District Legacy Collection Ride. KSU @ 10am, Hopkins American Legion
  • July 27th- ALR Dinner Ride at Forest Lake ALR. KSU @ 5:30 PM
  • July 30th- Pine City Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Run, Henriette. KSU @11AM
  • August 3 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
  • August 10 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. (KSU at North Branch Legion at 5:30PM to arrive at Forest Lake Legion by 6)
  • Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
  • August 20th – 23rd – American Legion Riders Legacy Run
  • August 24 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Riders. (KSU at North Branch Legion at 5:30PM to arrive at Forest Lake Legion by 6)
  • August 31 – Dinner ride with Forest Lake Legion Rider. KSU at 6:00 p.m. at North Branch
  • September 24 – Forest Lake Legion Riders Toys for Tots Ride, Forest Lake ALR

Speaking of Legion Riders. This month, our employee/member introduction is Legion Riders Director Camille Wentz.

Camille joined the Legion in the spring of 2020 to get involved in the community and to have a group of people to ride motorcycle with, which is a passion of hers. She lives in North Branch with her husband, Tim and three kids: Oscar (12), Ayla (10) and Lily (7), who attend North Branch Public Schools. She lived in the area previously, moved away but, as so many of us do, they moved back to North Branch 5 years ago. She has worked for many municipalities around the Twin Cities, with the last 14 years at the City of Minneapolis having many duties including elections, meeting/event planning, human resources, financial systems, marketing/communications, with website management as her main focus now. She hopes to use her “professional experience to successfully lead the Legion Riders and build relationships with the Legion Family”.

Camille should be congratulated as the riders were down to 1 active member (herself) and 9 inactive members in 6 short months she has brought the riders back to 27 new and old members active.

I don’t want to forget her very supportive husband, Tim who said “go for it”, with him planning on being in the background. Well, he is now also a member and got his endorsement and now is riding his own Harley Freewheeler! GREAT JOB, CAMILLE & TIM!! If you see Camille or Tim, say “Hi” in Harley-Davidson.(Categorically, it is its own language!)

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-07-04T16:01:33-05:00Post Talk|

June 2022 Post Talk

Post Talk

North Branch American Legion Post 85 - Post Talk

North Branch Post #85
By Ron Rollins, Adjutant

June 2022

  • Membership Meeting: June 14th @ 7:00PM
  • Auxiliary Meeting:  June 14th @ 7:00PM
  • SAL Meeting: June21st @ 6:00PM
  • Legion Riders Meeting:  June 2nd @ 7:00PM
  • Coffee Talk with the CVSO: June 21st @ 9:AM
  • Legion Riders Dinner ride: Every Wednesday night @6PM

Rick Hals, Post Commander

Greetings everyone.

We are hard at work to make Midsummer the greatest ever. If you have a few hours you can donate it’s not too late! The Legion Family could use the help. I wish a happy Midsummer to all!

Monday, May 30, 2022 was the Color Guard/Honor Guard Memorial Day services at the 6 local locations, and of course it rained again. Even wet it’s still well worth it to honor our departed service men and women.

Remember Midsummer celebration is less than 3 weeks away. We will need a lot of HELP HELP HELP. So, please volunteer. We will need help on Monday June 13th at 8 AM to bring everything out of storage, Wednesday, the 15th to set up the tent and do the water barrels and fencing. With that done we move onto Thursday, Friday and Saturday were this always things that come up, so if at all possible come in and give a hand.

Our next membership meeting is June 14th at 7 PM. I look forward to seeing a large gathering there.

Rick Hals, Commander
North Branch Post 85

Michelle Still, Auxiliary President

I spent Memorial Day morning honoring our veterans at six local cemeteries. It is a privilege for me to spend time with our Post Honor Guard, Post Commander and our Auxiliary Chaplain as we remember our veterans. Col. Paul Johnson shared some words with us, too. Let us always remember our veterans!

Camille Wentz, Legion Riders Director

We have finalized plans and purchased supplies for the Kiddie Parade during Midsummer. I know my kids are excited and I think we will have a great turn out.

The Kiddie King and Queen have been crowned!

  • Kiddie King, Breaker Williams is the son of SAL member and Legion Rider, Jake Williams and his wife Danica.
  • Kiddie Queen, Lily Lou Wentz is mine and Tim’s (SAL) daughter.

Special thanks to Jake and Danica Williams and Angie Youngberg  for all their help in planning the Kiddie Parade.

The Riders have a webpage on the Legions website now!  Visitors can learn about the Riders, see events, register for the Christmas in July Ride and even pay online!! We are also now equipped to take electronic payments at our events.

Planning continues for the Christmas in July Ride.  The route has been finalized by our talented Road Captain, Andy Specht. The group has been working to promote the ride and is getting a lot of interest, especially on Facebook.

Riders have been out enjoying the warmer temps on the bikes and attending events hosted by other posts.  We attended the 10th District Legion Rider Semi-Annual Meeting and had a nice ride with that group after. We continued the next day by going to the Forest Lake Legion Riders Breakfast which is always delicious.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we rode in the Magnus Ride planned by 10th District Director, Matt Berens. The ride raised money for the Magnus Veterans Foundation. The ride ended at the Magnus Foundation which is beautiful!  We had a ton of fun!

We have been busy networking and getting our names out there, and having a blast doing it!  Kevin and Jen Kiernan have been attending a lot of events with me and representing us well! It has been very positive experiences as membership continues to grow.

I hope to see you all during Midsummer!
Camille Wentz

Charlie Hult, Commander-elect- SAL

For those that do not know me, I am the incoming commander of the North Branch Sons of American Legion. I would like to thank Jim Hunt for the great job he did for the past 5 years that he severed as Commander of the SAL, also for Tom Linder for the good job he did as the SAL Adjutant you both are a big part of the SAL’s success!

It was a great honor to be voted into the position of Commander and I hope that I will not disappoint Squadron 85. We have a great core group of members and would like to see us keep recruiting new members and stay involved in the community.

I would like to also welcome our new officers:

  • Squadron Adjutant – Michael Johnson
  • Squadron Finance Officer – Chris Fedun
  • Squadron Membership Director – Bon Egan
  • Squadron Liaison – Ron Rollins
  • Sergeant-at-Arms – Rod Boatman
  • Chaplain – Gary Johnson

Thank you all for stepping into these positions and I look forward to working with you to continue to build Squadron 85, as it has been in the past, well into the future.

Charlie Hult

Ron Rollins, Adjutant

Election Results are in!! The following have been elected to lead the North Branch American Legion Family:


  • Commander: Rick Hals
  • 1st Vice Cmdr: Mark Johnson
  • 2nd Vice Cmdr: Duane Bengtson
  • Chaplain: OPEN
  • Sgt. At Arms: Randy Koivisto
  • Historian: Bruce Christianson
  • Judge Advocate: OPEN
  • Service Officer: OPEN

Appointed positions:

  • Adjutant: Ron Rollins
  • Finance Officer: Bob Stirling
  • Gaming Mgr: Glenn Pierce
  • Asst. Gaming Mgr: Mike Johnson
  • Club Mgr: Carene Johnson


  • President: Michelle Still
  • 1st Vice President: Bobbie Elmstrand
  • 2nd Vice President: Open
  • Sgt At Arms: Jenille Niehaus
  • Secretary: Kelly Fedun
  • Chaplain: Marcia Lemmerman
  • Historian: Bev Otterness

Sons Of American Legion:

  • Commander: Charlie Hult
  • 1st Vice Commander (Membership): Bob Egan
  • Adjutant: Mike Johnson
  • Finance Officer: Chris Fedun
  • Squadron Liaison: Ron Rollins
  • Historian: Open
  • Sgt at Arms: Rod Boatman
  • Chaplain: Gary Johnson

American Legion Riders:

  • Director: Camille Wentz
  • Asst Director: Dan Nybeck
  • Adjutant: OPEN
  • Sgt at Arms: Andy Specht
  • Historian: Austin Doll
  • Chaplain: Ed Chromey
  • Road Captain: Andy Specht

Upcoming events:

  • June 3-4 – 10th District Convention at Milaca Post 178
  • June 11th – 2022 Believet Motorcycle Run at Lino Lakes Post 566
  • June 16-19th – Midsummer Weekend
  • June 24-26th – SAL Detachment Convention at Legionville.
  • June 30-July 4th – Forest Lake Legion 4th July Celebration
  • July 14th-16th – 2022 Department Convention in Willmar, MN.

Announcement from the 10th District:

April 15, 2022


By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and ByLaws of The American Legion, Department of Minnesota- I, William Gordon, District Commander, do hereby call a Convention of the 10th District to convene in Milaca, Minnesota Saturday, June 4, 2022.

The business sessions of the Convention will be held at Milaca Post 178 commencing at 9:00 AM Saturday, June 4th, and will continue until adjournment.

The purpose of this Convention is to elect a District Commander, District Vice Commanders, District Historian, District Finance Officer, Delegates and Alternates to the National American Legion Convention and to conduct such other business of the 10th District that may properly come before the Convention.

The voting strength of each Post in the 10th District will be as provided in the 10th District Constitution and By-Laws Article IV, Section 7.

Certification of Delegates is to be sent to the 10th District Adjutant, Paul Orson, 26 East Road, Circle Pines MN 55014 © 612-325-2899 at least two (2) weeks prior to the Convention. (As required by Article IV, Section 8 of the 10th District Constitution and By-Laws).  This is in addition to delegate registration sent to Milaca Post 178.

All members of The American Legion are invited to the Convention.

Your active participation at this Convention, representing your Post, helps keep our District strong.

William Gordon
10th District Commander

Enclosure: Convention Delegate Form

North Branch American Legion Post 85101st Tenth District

All Tenth District American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion (SAL) and American Legion Rider (ALR) members are cordially invited to the 101st Tenth

District Convention, JUNE 3-4, 2022.  The Milaca American Legion Post 178, Auxiliary, SAL Squadron and Legion Riders are hosting the convention.  The Post home is located at 160 2nd St SE, Milaca, MN 56353.  Telephone (320) 982-0038.

The enclosed packet of information includes Convention PreRegistration, Convention Banquet Reservations, and information on area housing.  Each item is self-explanatory with a mailing address and a point of contact for any questions you may have.

Legion and S.A.L sessions are scheduled to be held Saturday at the Post Home.  Auxiliary sessions are scheduled to be held at Zion Lutheran Church, 245 Central Ave S, Milaca.

Legion Riders Convention is Saturday May 14, 11:00-1:00 PM at Anoka Post 102.  You still must register and pay, this gets you registered for both days.

The Convention Banquet will be held on Friday, June 3, 2022, at the Milaca Post Home, menu for the meal is Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Vegs, coleslaw, Rolls, Coffee, Dessert, cost will be, ($18.00) Social hour begins at 6:00 PM with dinner at 7:00 PM. There will be a short program conducted by District Commander Bill Gordon, District President Linda Deschene, SAL Commander Chance Harmon, and ALR Director Matt Berens, immediately following dinner. Reservations must be prepaid by May 20, 2022. NO TICKETS ARE SOLD AT THE DOOR.

Registration will be at the Post home on Friday June 3rd from 4:00-7:00 PM and then on Saturday June 4th, at the respective Legion and Auxiliary meeting locations from 7:00 AM to Noon. Prepaid registration is $15.00 per person; $18.00 registration day of convention.

Joint Memorial Service will be held on Saturday morning, June 4, 2022, at the Post starting at 8:00 AM.

Breakfast off menu will be available Saturday at the Legion bar, starting at 7-AM. There will also be rolls, coffee and juice available. Lunch will be at the Post for $8, from 11:30 to 12:45, Salads, Sandwiches, Pickles, Chips, Coffee.

On behalf of the Milaca Legion Family working together to make this Convention a huge success, we welcome you to YOUR Tenth District Convention.

Lew Ratajczak – General Chairman

Today, our employee introduction is Gaming Manager Glenn Pierce:

Glenn joined the United States Air Force in 1974 and served at Castle AFB in California for 2 years in Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) and 4 years at RAF Lakenheath in England. During the tour in England, he participated in NATO exercises in Lahr Germany.

His Father, Dale Pierce, was a Veteran of the Korean War and a long time Legion member and past Commander of the North Branch American Legion.

Glenn became a member in 1988 and became the Gaming Manager in 2017, and at the same time being the Post Adjutant for this post, on a temporary basis- for 12 years!

Glenn married his best friend, Sherri in 1988 and just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. They have 3 children James (50), Amie (45) and Kristina (38) and 4 Grandchildren.

We know they enjoy traveling because they have taken many trips to Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii, Costa Rica, and cruises to the Caribbean, making most of us jealous.

We are in debt to Glenn for the great job he does for Post 85, and he has been selected as this year’s Grand Marshal in the 2022 Midsummer Days Parade on Father’s Day.

Congratulations Glenn! Thank you for all you do for us!

If you have even a couple hours to come and help the Legion Family, working the Chuckwagon in the park, or security for the dances, it would be very much appreciated and we need you to call Commander Rick Hals to plug you into something you’re comfortable with… COME JOIN THE FUN!!

The Legion Riders had their first dinner ride to Grandy with eleven members and guests riding. It was good riding and good food and great service from the Brass Rail (who welcomed us on last minute notice). Thank you to our guests and Legion Riders.

Pictured above: NBALR; Lisa Edwards,Camille Wentz, Ed & Andrea Chromey, Ron & Diane Rollins. FLALR; Julie Kowalski, Doug & Rosie Carlson(not pictured). Guests included Potential Pine City Rider Gretchen Blaufuss, and a guest of Lisa’s, but also good friend and classmate of Ron’s – Dean Viskoe (Ron’s hometown recruiter in 1981).

***The July Post talk will be sent out a little later than usual due to the Adjutant being on vacation 

Remember, YOU Are the Legion

2022-06-08T07:07:55-05:00Post Talk|